Caregiving with a Technology Assist

Caregiving with a Technology Assist

It comes as no surprise that the ‘sandwich generation’ is growing. More people everyday are caring for both their children and their parents. These caregivers are increasing ‘digital natives’ – they have always had technology in their lives. And they are looking...
Best of the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Blogs

Best of the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Blogs

The journey with Alzheimer’s and dementia is different for every person, but fortunately there are many resources online to support and offer guidance. The blogs listed below have been designated as the best because they consistently educate, inspire, and empower...
From Refusal to Acceptance

From Refusal to Acceptance

Partner Post You worry that Mom’s not eating. The house cluttered more than ever. Dad is wearing the same clothes day after day and in desperate need of a shower. Did Grandma make it through the day without falling again? You’re doing what you can to help, but with...
What We Learned in Chicago

What We Learned in Chicago

Recently, teleCalm traveled to Chicago to take part in several different activities focused on aging in America. We participated in the American Society on Aging (ASA) Aging in America Conference, the Boomer Business Summit, and Aging 2.0 Chicago Global Startup...