Choose the plan that fits your needs
Caregiver Service
For seniors at home, assisted living, & memory care
Managed remotely by family with Caregiver app
Filters both incoming and outgoing calls
Stops repeat dialing and late-night calls
Optionally re-route 911 calls in senior living
Connection and Save
Uses Built-in Cellular
includes monthly taxes & fees
includes monthly taxes & fees
Caregiver +
Priority Response
All the features of Caregiver, PLUS
Calls to 9-1-1 go straight to our U.S.-based emergency response center where EMT certified operator will speak to your loved one, then call you
Includes eight 9-1-1 calls per month, then $2 per call
Connection and Save
Uses Built-in Cellular
includes monthly taxes & fees
includes monthly taxes & fees
Caregiver Service
assisted living, & memory care.
with Caregiver app.
Connection and Save
Uses Built-in Cellular
includes monthly taxes & fees
includes monthly taxes & fees
Caregiver +
Priority Response
All the features of Caregiver, PLUS:
Calls to 9-1-1 go straight to our U.S.-based emergency response center, where an EMT certified operator will speak to your loved one, then call you.
Includes eight 9-1-1 calls per month,
then $2 per call.
Connection and Save
Uses Built-in Cellular
includes monthly taxes & fees
includes monthly taxes & fees
Additional Plan Info
- All plans subject to a one-time $60 activation fee and free shipping via FedEx 2-Day Air.
- No long-term commitments. All plans are month-to-month, cancel anytime.
- Unlimited local and long-distance service in the USA.
- Hardware provided free during service and must be returned upon cancellation.
- Works with your existing corded or cordless telephone.
- Outgoing international calling plan available for $5/mo.
- If porting existing phone number, additional $25 porting fee will apply upon completion.
Also Available
teleCalm TRUST Service
For independent seniors at home & assisted living.
Blocks robocalls using proprietary system.
Learns your trusted contacts over time using Captcha.
teleCalm Trust Service
For independent seniors at home
and assisted living.
Blocks robocalls using proprietary system.
Learns your trusted contacts over time
using Captcha.
$45.99 /month